Hi, I’m Brad

I build, create, and invest in things that improve people’s lives.

In 2007 I wrote the first lines of code for Poll Everywhere. It makes millions of people’s lives better because they can be heard by their teacher, leadership, or whoever is presenting. Since then I’ve bootstrapped it with Jeff, and many others, from $0 to over $10 million in annual revenue.

I angel invest in others who I think I can help and are making stuff that improves people’s lives.

When I’m not doing any of that I’m hanging out with my kids, hiking, traveling, scuba diving, figuring out astrophotography, or hacking on software. I also enjoy geeking out about astronomy, quantum physics, relativity, and pretty much anything else that’s mind-bending or counterintuitive.

This website exists so I can write about topics that I think my friends and family will find useful, interesting, or helpful. As I explore new ideas, I’ll also write about it here so I can share with others and learn from their feedback.

If you’d like to say hello, send me a tweet @bradgessler or email brad@bradgessler.com.

